Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

Native DSD now offers 1,000+ Multichannel DSD albums. This includes 131 albums that are available as DSD Multichannel downloads but not available on SACD.

When it comes to Multichannel DSD music downloads, no one has more albums available to listeners. To celebrate the 1000 album milestone, Native DSD offers for a limited time 15% OFF on all 1,000+ Multichannel DSD Albums.

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Toronto ON — exaSound Audio Design, manufacturers of innovative, exceptional high fidelity audio products, announced today the immediate availability of the e32 Mark II DSD256/DXD/MQA DAC.

The e32 Mark II DAC introduces support for MQA music files and audio streams. MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is a new technology, which delivers studio master quality using no more bandwidth than a CD quality file – so it can be easily streamed or downloaded.

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exaSound is proud to be the sponsor of the Yarlung Records’ new DSD release of the outstanding “Ciaramella – Dances On Movable Ground“ - `early music' played authentically, now available on NativeDSD.

Ciaramella Ensemble recorded this album with me in Alfred Newman Hall on the campus of the University of Southern California in June, 2011. Every track is a single take. No editing. This is one of Yarlung’s classic “super simple” recordings...

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Audirvana Plus is a high‐end audiophile player for the Mac platform. The most recent releases of Audirvana Plus can stream audio to exaSound PlayPoint players over wired and wireless home network connections. Streaming is performed using the UPnP/DLNA protocol. Audirvana Plus takes the roles of control point and ad-hoc media server. The PlayPoint device works as renderer or audio end point.

We are very excited about using Audirvana with the PlayPoint players. The user interface is stylish and simple to use. Audirvana Plus offers convenient library manager and remote control app for iPads and iPhones. Users can manage and search in a unified environment their local music libraries and HighRes online music services....

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Toronto ON — exaSound Audio Design, manufacturer of innovative, exceptional fidelity audio products, announced today the PlayPoint DM next-generation flagship music server and DAC.

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Occasionally, one makes an improvement in their audio system that is monumental....The sound field has become immense, and detailed. You can pinpoint individual instruments and their positions in the orchestra. The sound field has also expanded off to the sides beyond the speakers themselves...This is the most “musical” reproduction that I’ve ever heard.

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Toronto ON — exaSound Audio Design, manufacturer of innovative, exceptional fidelity audio products, announced today the introduction of PlayPoint Mark II network audio player and server.

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I want to let you know, that the e32 is absolutely the most transparent sounding DAC that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to!

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