Monday, February 10, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

Entries for August 2013

  We've been asked to provide configuration instructions for using the e18/e28 DACs in active crossover  scenarios with Foobar and Allocato...

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Posted in: Guides
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"... From the very first moment the Canadian DAC offered outstanding sound purity and smoothness expressed on a vast dynamic range. The e28 sound can be described as a combination of the best DAC features I've experienced with Antelope Audio and April Music Eximus. The transparency, speed, and holographic space of Antelope Zodiac were blended with incredible musicality and brilliance of color of Eximus DP1. Listening to the e28 doesn't cause any fatigue at all. These impressions were intensified after the transfer of DAC to my main system."  Read the review

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Posted in: Reviews
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I have now the e28 for more than a month and day after day I appreciate it more and more. I use it mostly for multichannel playback (from dsd files sourced from my SACD collection). In my system the e28 DAC replaces an Oppo 95 highly modded by Ric Schultz + an analogue mulch-channel preamp from Orpheus (the total value of these devices is around $10,000).The DAC sit on a Synergistic Research Tranquility base and is directly connected to the amps. The result is glorious : huge rock solid soundstage, detailed and absolutely not fatiguing. This Dac makes wonders on human voices .

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Echolocating bats have among the finest ears in all animals. They are capable to resolve ultrasonic signals far beyond 100 kHz. We investigate the bio-acoustics of the bat ear and explore neuronal mechanisms of ultrasonic perception. Critical for our research is high quality ultrasonic sound stimulation with lowest possible distortion

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