Saturday, February 15, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

s88 Streaming DAC

exaSound’s devices have been in the prestigious list of Stereophile Class A+ Recommended Components for 10 years in a row

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The exaSound s88 streaming DAC performs its tasks superbly; in fact, it exceeds the performance of any DAC that I have used. I would describe its sound as transparent rather than detailed, dynamically responsive rather than lively, and honest in how it presents voices.

Read the review here.

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I am a user and ardent supporter of exaSound's technology. As I don't own gear from Linn, Anthem, or other brands which bundle their own proprietary room correction software, and I do not own Dirac or gear that OEM's Dirac, I rely on the exaSound multichannel DAC to act as the underpinning to accomplish the same digital room correction for my two channel stereo, but likely with more flexibility and control.

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We are excited to introduce support for the world's most popular audio player - YouTube. We've broken the taboo and we did it with the video experience included!

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Firmware Update 49 and the newly released Windows ASIO drivers version 5.3.54 bring support for Volume Presets.

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exaSound’s devices have been in the prestigious list of Stereophile Class A+ Recommended Components for 9 years in a row

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I am coming up on a year of owning the S88. The DAC continues to work flawlessly...

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