Friday, March 28, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

The e38 Mk II play “Flawlessly” 384 kHz 8 Channels convolved in JRiver. The result is simply amazing ! Tight low frequency, soft and silky mid and clean and precise top end are achieved with the e38 Mk II. I just wanted to confirm that one can achieve a fantastic stereo system build around Digital Crossovers if the heart of it is of quality. This is the case when you use the Famous Exasound e38 Mk II. Very happy with the results since 2015.

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I am proud and very happy owner of the exaSound Gamma server and the exaSound e38 Mark II DAC. Setup is plug and play and it works perfectly without any problems with Roon.

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  • 4 way full dipole open baffle
  • woofer 1 (bottom) Eminence Alpha 15A: 0-120Hz minimum phase
  • woofer 2 (top) :Eminence Alpha 15 A: 0-250Hz linear phase + phase rotation of 120Hz minimum phase filter
  • mid : PHL 2520 200Hz-1500Hz linear phase
  • Highs : AMT ESS V2 1500Hz-20000Hz

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I am using DIY 4-way fully active dipoles in a stereo setup without any baffles: 21 inch woofer from 18Sound, 6,5 inch Seas woven polymer cone midbass, the legendary Fostex FS 21 midrange and the matching Fostex F7 tweeter as a dipole without the horn and back cover. Music is streaming only via the latest version of JRiver and all active filtering and EQ-ing is done with Acourate and linear phase filters.

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Shifting from analog to digital for me is like switching guitars (or switching between acoustic and electric). I have my favorites and every neck is different, but five minutes after picking it up, I'm at ease with it.

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Playing to the e38 via USB or via the Sigma Streamer was fine, the sounds of the two approaches identical—just as they should be. The Sigma Streamer is easy to use and completely functional as a network link for the exaSound DACs

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August 22 2019 at Downtown Toronto’s Film District

Join Gershman Acoustics, exaSound, Nordost, VPI, and VTL for an evening of great music played through some of High-End Audio’s best speakers, electronics, turn tables and...

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Lynn Olson, inventor of the Shadow Vector, a 3D Vario-Matrix quadraphonic decoder, brings a retrospective of the development of multichannel audio and the excitement it can bring with modern technologies.

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