Sunday, February 16, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

My e22 is amazing, it works, it is simple and compared to all these newer models, is just plain straightforward.

David from London, UK

I am in at about 50 hours of listening.  In fact last week-end I listened so much in a row that I ended up with a splitting headache, so I am trying to control myself a bit.

The e28 is really a nice product to use,  at first because it is plugged directly in the amps, I was afraid of harsh spurious noise, but no such thing, it can be powered up and down and switched from input  (I use USB of course, but also the coax plug straight into my universal player for CD playing).  So really nice a joy to use, so thanks for a great product, thanks for taking the time to engage with your customers.

Following the links in your previous message, of particular interest to me was the 2l site because I could compare directly multi-channel recordings between PCM 96khz/24bits and DSD.  And I do have two of these in SACD already so I could compare between playing the SACD on my universal player to HDMI to my Classé-SSP800 and the two files (volume equalization is complicated).  You will not be surprised to know there is no comparison between HDMI (Classé) and DSD files with JRiver to exaSound.  But the match between PCM and DSD was interesting.  It is close but there is more bloom and pacing through DSD, better localization of the instruments...

A big surprise was how well the exaSound e22 plays straight ‘ordinary’ CDs.  Wow! In a weird way this is probably the biggest improvement compared to what I had before.   It looks like the e28 is really able to make the most of any digital source.

Laval, Quebec, Canada

I have now had my e12 for a month or so. I have not yet had time to fully explore all I might, or might not, do with this DAC. But first and foremost I want you to know that I am a most satisfied customer. Without doubt, this is the most gratifying audio investment I have made since I first I first bought a Dynaco Stereo 70 amp 45 years ago. That amp, and several other components, have come and gone over the past four plus decades. I have been reluctant to turn my back on my (familiar) analog system and convert to file based playback. Your product has allowed me to finally and confidently take this step. I see that my confidence has been well placed. I thank you for bringing this product to market... and at a price point I could justify. If your intention was to improve the fidelity of audio playback in my home, you have been most successful.

Mark from Honolulu

I have to admit I had some reservations after trying few Sabre dacs but I am glad I made a jump. Your device has literally rejuvenated my system. I have tried Benchmarks DAC1 and DAC2, NAD M51, Sony HAPZ1ES, Bryston BDA1 and BDA2 and few others. E20Mk3 with femto (SN 130) brought back transparency top to bottom, textures and honesty. Any type of music sounds good. I am starting to grow multichannel itch 8-)

Slawek from Calgary, BC, Canada

Hello, just writing to send my thanks for the E12 DAC I received recently. I have settled on using Decibel audio player for PCM material and HQ Player for native (Direct) SDM (DSD) content, on Mac OS X (2015 Macbook Pro - 16gb Memory, 3.1ghz i7 Processor), both with your ASIO driver, for the finest audio playback I have ever experienced at my home. The DAC is feeding an Icon Audio Preamp R and then Quested Active S8R MK III Studio Monitors, via an Ifi Audio Mercury USB cable and Chord Cobra Vee 3 analogue interconnects. The sound is very organic, smooth and detailed, with a wide and deep soundstage and remarkable evenness at all volume, SPL levels through very low distortion and noise. The Double & Quad DSD sound quality is particularly realistic and believe the ASIO driver outperforms the Coreaudio driver with this content on HQ Player and with PCM files on Decibel!

P.S. I stand corrected, after putting in some time to learn Signalyst's HQPlayer 3, it seems to deliver the best sound from the Exasound E12 DAC with both DSD & PCM audio material, using the ASIO driver. Thanks again.

James from London, UK

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