posted on April 30, 2015 12:16
At the recent 2015 AXPONA show in Chicago, the exaSound room received not one, not two, but six best-of-show awards for true high end sound from The Absolute Sound's Andre Jennings, Jonathan Valin and Julie Mullins. Three awards were given directly to exaSound DACs, while three additional awards were given to our room, which included amplifiers from Pass Labs and loudspeakers from Magnepan:
Show Report by Andre Jennings | AXPONA CHICAGO 2015: DIGITAL AND ANALOG SOURCES | 01 May 2015
Best Sound (for the money)
“exaSound e12 & e22 Mark II DAC/Pass Labs X250.8 amplifier/Magnepan 3.7i speaker playing DSD 256 files.”
Most Significant Product Introduction
“The exaSound e12 is an affordable all-format DAC.”
Most Coveted Product
“The e22 Mark II DAC from exaSound.”
Show Report by Jonathan Valin | AXPONA CHICAGO 2015: LOUDSPEAKERS $20K AND UP | 28 April 2015
Best Sound (cost-no-object)
Magnepan 3.7i driven by Pass Labs and sourced by exaSound.
“The most natural and realistic sound at the show.”
Best Sound (for the money)
Magnepan 3.7i driven by Pass Labs and sourced by exaSound.
“The most natural and realistic sound at the show.”
Best Sound (for the money)
exaSound’s upgraded e22 Mk. II DAC…Pass Labs amps (and) the Maggie 3.7i
A big Thank You for Andre Jennings', Jonathan Valin’s and Julie Mullins’ votes of confidence in exaSound and our approach to natural yet affordable sound quality. Considering that the entire inventory of gear came in at under $21k, easily less than 1/10th of what some of the other rooms at the show would cost, exaSound’s a perfect way to deliver exceptional fidelity.
Special thanks to our friends at Maggie and Pass Labs for providing their fine equipment in our exaSound room. We are proud that our DACs, which avoid the typical shortcomings of digital, allowed our partner’s gear to really shine.
Explore the exaSound family of DACs, and hear for yourself in your own home what TAS was talking about…

Panorama of exaSound Room 404

Gear Closeup
Our Award Winning DACs