Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News


I have had my e28 for a few months now. It clearly ranks as one of the best system upgrades I have ever done. It elevates the sound of all sources, especially the hi rez multichannel classical music I favor, and it brings me much closer to the sound of live concerts. But, even low rez inputs, like Netflix streaming upsampled by JRiver on the PC, are now much improved sonically.

I had been a relatively happy user of an Audyssey Pro calibrated Integra prepro for many years, and it was the center of a very good sounding system. But, as playback of my music library has shifted increasingly to my PC used with JRiver, I wondered about Kal Rubinson's high praise for the e28 coupled with Dirac Live. Not only was he right, as always, but the e28 is now the cornerstone of my 7.1 setup using Martin Logan electrostat hybrids all around plus a JL Audio f113 sub, with amplification by Spectron Audio, Bryston and Parasound Halo.

Setup of the e28 was simple and straightforward, as was integration with Dirac Live. And, with that now being unquestionably the best sounding audio path, I am able to dispose of my prepro, my external disc player and my cable box in favor of PC/JRiver/Dirac Live/HDHomerun Prime to e28 as my multimedia entertainment system. In doing so, my musical enjoyment has never been higher.

Honestly, in my travels and in hearing a great number of other very fine and very expensive systems, I have heard nothing that sounds this good. That is largely due to the excellent e28 DAC.

Best wishes,

Carl Weber




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