Thursday, March 27, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

exaSound s88 8-Channel streaming DAC - Class A+
Stereophile Recommended Components 2022 Edition - Digital Processors

Kalman Rubinson has reported on exaSound DACs since 2013. Introduced in 2011, e18 was the first multichannel DAC intended for serious audiophiles and music lovers. Kalman's reports were in the Music in the Round column. This is Stereophile’s first full review of an exaSound product and the first time one has spent time on John Atkinson’s test bench.

The exaSound s88 streaming DAC performs its tasks superbly; in fact, it exceeds the performance of any DAC that I have used. I would describe its sound as transparent rather than detailed, dynamically responsive rather than lively, and honest in how it presents voices.

exaSound s88 Multichannel D/A Converter by Kalman Rubinson - Stereophile Vol.44 No.4

exaSound Delta Music Server - Class A+
Stereophile Recommended Components 2022 Edition - Disc and File Players

The Delta is, in my opinion, what a Roon server should be.

Check the Stereophile Vol.44 No.4 issue or read online the review by Kalman Rubinson.

From the Stereophile website:

"Every product listed as Stereophile Recommended has been formally reviewed in Stereophile. Everything on the list, regardless of rating, is genuinely recommendable...

Class A
is awarded for best attainable sound for a component of its kind, almost without practical considerations; "the least musical compromise." A Class A system is one for which, with the best recordings, you don't have to make a leap of faith to believe that you're hearing the real thing. With Super Audio CD, DVD-Audio, and Hi-Rez PCM and DSD files now available...

Class A+ is awarded to the best performance in those digital categories..."

Thank you for the highest A+ awards, Stereophile!

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