Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

December last year, I started digging around the internet for a USB capable DAC, that could satisfy my fastidious ears. Having searched for a month, I found the Holy Grail of DACs: The exaSound e20. You can read what this DAC is capable of here: It`s truly amazing!
I have been an "audiophile" since I was about 15 ( 42 now ), so my equipment has seen a lot of upgrades during these years :) , but very few have made me go thru all my favorite albums again, like this time! Combined with Hypex` Ncore amps, the sound is so open, crystal clear, and detailed; that I catch myself holding my breath, in order to hear all the details of the recordings :) My once so proud speakers (Proac D25), are suddenly the obvious weakest link; despite having costed more than the DAC and the amp combined...;

George at exaSound has been very helpful answering all my questions, and I can truly recommend the e20 with all my audiophile heart !! Ole Martin, Sweden

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