Sunday, February 16, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

Stereophile - Music in the Round #66

By Kalman Rubinson • Posted: May 6, 2014


Check out Kalman Rubinson's experience with the Dirac's Live Room Correction Suite tested on C.A.P.S. V3 Zuma PC, JRiver Media Center 18 and the e28 DAC.

"... The proof of all this pudding was in the listening, and it was delicious. Most easily obvious was the clarity of the low frequencies, which was accomplished with no loss of power. In fact, bass impact was enhanced in all channels, including the subwoofer. This was particularly evident with B.B. King and Eric Clapton's Riding with the King (from DVD-A, Reprise 47612-9), when I compared the original disc with the file played straight and with DAP correction. The bass slam was the same from the disc and the straight file, but it had more weight with DAP correction, even though there was less low-frequency ambience in the room..."

"... Dirac's Live Room Correction Suite has hooked me. Yes, it's limited to 24-bit/96kHz PCM resolution (24/192 is promised), but no matter. More experiments, comparisons, and independent measurements will follow—but for now, Dirac LRCS has made me confident that file-based multichannel playback can sound as good as any from physical discs—and maybe even better."

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