Monday, February 10, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

David Robinson, Editor - in - Chief of Positive Feedback has just published his review of the new exaSound flagship device - the PlayPoint DM. David, thank you for taking the time to do this in-depth review and for expressing your opinion so eloquently!

The harmonic integration across all frequency ranges is truly fine. I would expect this from any quality DAC, but the exaSound line…especially the DM…does so with a laudable ease and effortlessness that makes listening a real pleasure, and that all the time. There is that magic word that I use sometimes to describe a superior harmonic performance and a oneness with a fine recording: organic. When a DAC achieves this in my estimation, they are not sounding like they were manufactured, but like they had grown up like a living creature out of the earth and into our company, just to please us with glorious audio vibes of the highest order. That is the zone that the DM occupies...

George Klissarov and company have leaped over their own earlier accomplishments with a statement product that provides an extremely feature-rich and flexible design. Remarkable as the earlier e-series has been, particularly at its price point, this new DM easily outperforms its siblings and shows what the company can do when it ups the budget and rolls up its collective sleeves.

Ye Olde Editor's 'very highest recommendation!'

Read the review and the designer's notes:
Impressions: The exaSound DM Network Audio Server and DAC
The exaSound PlayPoint DM - Designer's Notes

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