Monday, February 10, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News

I want to let you know, that the e32 is absolutely the most transparent sounding DAC that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to! After finally getting the right combination of equipment in house. I am still in awe of this unit of how it presents each and every recording that I play through it. Words are very hard to put together when you hear something like this unit and very rare to come by. I honestly don't care what the cost is for other DACs, but something is quite a miss in this market we call hi end audio, when we have ultra expensive DACs that have been voiced to sound a certain way and impart some type of flavor that the designer likes. When music is played on these units, each recording played thru them have the same impact of bass, the same sparkle of treble and the ever ending bloom of mid-range. Not the e32 as it just gets out of the way and transports me into the recording venue and allows me to hear the intentions of the musician and engineer. I'm tired of large soundstages and audiophile hyperbole which shows itself in mostly everything we listen to, just let me hear the damn music as intended, pure and honest.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Vincent, Las Vegas, NV

The sound from my exaSound DAC is truly stunning. My initial impression is the exaSound DACs take on the exotic $10,000~$25,000 DACs with ease. Congratulations!

Lunn, Erie, Colorado

I received the e32 / PlayPoint and setup was painless. I must say that the sound quality of the combination is very much improved over the e20 / laptop I was using.
Thanks much,

Larry, Denver, CO

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