Monday, February 10, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News


I am a user and ardent supporter of exaSound's technology. As I don't own gear from Linn, Anthem, or other brands which bundle their own proprietary room correction software, and I do not own Dirac or gear that OEM's Dirac, I rely on the exaSound multichannel DAC to act as the underpinning to accomplish the same digital room correction for my two channel stereo, but likely with more flexibility and control.

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I am coming up on a year of owning the S88. The DAC continues to work flawlessly...

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We moved again and I just set up the S88…. it sounds delightful... The detail and range are wonderful. A great piece of Equipment!
Well Done exaSound!

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"The Playpoint has been installed in my system for two or three weeks now and I must say it is a pure delight..."

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Posted in: Testimonials
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Posted in: Testimonials
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The e38 Mk II play “Flawlessly” 384 kHz 8 Channels convolved in JRiver. The result is simply amazing ! Tight low frequency, soft and silky mid and clean and precise top end are achieved with the e38 Mk II. I just wanted to confirm that one can achieve a fantastic stereo system build around Digital Crossovers if the heart of it is of quality. This is the case when you use the Famous Exasound e38 Mk II. Very happy with the results since 2015.

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I am proud and very happy owner of the exaSound Gamma server and the exaSound e38 Mark II DAC. Setup is plug and play and it works perfectly without any problems with Roon.

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  • 4 way full dipole open baffle
  • woofer 1 (bottom) Eminence Alpha 15A: 0-120Hz minimum phase
  • woofer 2 (top) :Eminence Alpha 15 A: 0-250Hz linear phase + phase rotation of 120Hz minimum phase filter
  • mid : PHL 2520 200Hz-1500Hz linear phase
  • Highs : AMT ESS V2 1500Hz-20000Hz

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