Monday, February 10, 2025

Guides, Testimonials, News


“The one-box media player that is the Exasound s82 is an exceptionally competent source...

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“… Extreme resolution and detail! The s82 detail retrieval is next level, compared to any other DAC I've tried.

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I was really loving the sound of this DAC

Read the review here.

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The Delta is, in my opinion, what a Roon server should be.

Read the review here.

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The exaSound s88 streaming DAC performs its tasks superbly; in fact, it exceeds the performance of any DAC that I have used. I would describe its sound as transparent rather than detailed, dynamically responsive rather than lively, and honest in how it presents voices.

Read the review here.

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I must add that I have greatly enjoyed listening to music through the Delta. The sound quality seems to depend only on the quality of the music files you feed it. ...The value proposition is high. It sounds great. I like it a lot. It's a keeper..
Read the review here.

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If you’re a Roon power user, and looking for a Roon Core server that can stream to multiple zones with a lot of heavy DSP, exaSound’s Delta deserves a serious look. Potentially, it’s an endgame purchase.

Read the review here.

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There's a space between the vast wasteland of mid-fi AV receivers and the world of "serious" high-end audio...... This is where the unusual, I would say unique, exaSound e38 Mark II DAC comes in.

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